Friday, January 27, 2023

Supreme Court


  • What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?
  •      From reading the SCOTUS article on HISTORY, I had learned the exact dates of when the Supreme Court came to be and the important cases that have happened throughout the courts timeline. I have always had a basic understanding of the Supreme Court's purpose and why it was created, but I was unaware of when the Supreme Court was created along with the major events that have shaped the future of history today. 

    What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?
  •   I believe the most important take-away point from the Supreme Court is that the creation of the court is meant for the people. It is to give citizens as stated "ensuring the American people promise of equal justice under law". We have to remember the Supreme Court is here for and only the people to serve justice and give everyone an equal opportunity to fight for themselves and their beliefs. 
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  • What was the most surprising thing you learned?
  •         The most surprising thing I have learned from this article is the subtle changes to the Supreme Court that have been made throughout history. Originally when the Supreme Court was initially created there were only supposed to be six justice's, but in 1869 Congress altered the seats to nine justice's and it has remained that way ever since. Along with the change in seats I was also surprised when justice's were required to hold circuit twice a year but then that was abolished. 

    How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?
  • I don't think this article made my thoughts change on the Supreme Court that much, but if anything it made me view the court in a more positive light than before. It reminded me of why the Supreme Court was created. It's for the people and to make sure we have equal opportunity. 

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